
These Website Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”) govern your access to and use of AnDAPT, LLC website, www.andapt.com, that link to or reference these Terms (“Site”).  The terms “our”, “we”, “us”, and “AnDAPT, LLC” refer to AnDAPT, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of AnDAPT Holdings Ltd. DCU Alpha, Old Finglas Road, Glasnevin, D11 KXN4, Ireland.  AnDAPT, LLC makes the materials on our Site, including all information, documents, communications, files, text, graphics, software, and products included on this Site (collectively, “Materials”), available for your use subject to the Terms and any changes to the Terms made by us from time to time.  By downloading, installing, or using any Materials, you agree to our Terms.  If you do not agree to the Terms, you may not use, access, download, or install the Materials.

对于可从本网站下载的那些附有或包含最终用户许可协议(“许可应用程序”)的材料,许可协议优先于这些条款。可从本网站下载的某些第三方材料将附有您与第三方之间的许可协议(“第三方协议”)并受其管辖。 AnDAPT, LLC 不是此类第三方协议的一方,AnDAPT, LLC 对您和第三方的责任受到这些条款中的保证免责声明和责任限制的限制。您同意除非您已阅读并同意适用许可协议的条款,否则不会安装、访问、使用或下载这些材料。

所有材料的版权和所有权权益均由 AnDAPT, LLC 及其供应商持有,并受美国法律和国际条约规定的保护。您同意不使用、复制、重新发布、框架、张贴、转让、展示、执行、下载、传输、修改、出租、租赁、出借、出售、转让、分发、许可、再许可、逆向工程或基于该内容创建衍生作品材料上的信息,除非本文明确允许。未经授权使用任何材料可能违反版权法、商标法、隐私和宣传法、通信法规和法令或其他适用的法律、规则或条例,并可能使您承担民事责任和/或刑事处罚。
下载材料即表示您同意 AnDAPT, LLC 条款和条件。
